Does it seem like your dusting efforts don’t matter? It may be frustrating to see a new layer of dust settle only shortly after you cleaned up the last one. Many underlying issues may be making your home a dustier place. Thankfully, there are things you can do to fix this, so you clean less often and still feel like your space is ready for company.
Your Cleaning Technique
Your cleaning technique or cleaning equipment may re-introduce dust and dust mites into the environment instead of removing them. When dusting, always use a fresh duster that is still trapping the dust instead of just spreading it around. Or, use a slightly damp cloth that can pick up the dust.
Next, make sure that your vacuum is equipped with a HEPA filter. Otherwise, the vacuum’s exhaust will pick up the dust and dust mites from the floor (especially the carpet) and send it back into the air. You could see this dust settle in as little as an hour after you vacuum if your vacuum doesn’t have a filter.
Pets and People
Some dust is human skin cells and pet dander. So, the more people and pets that live in your home, the more dust you’ll have. When it comes to people, there’s not much you can do about this. But, if part of your problem might be pets, it’s a good idea to brush and bathe them more often. If you have dogs that shed a lot, brush them weekly or daily, outside. That way, the dander you release can’t get into the home, and they won’t shed as much in it.
HVAC Filters
All of your HVAC equipment has filters to collect dust and other debris, to keep them from damaging the sensitive equipment, and also to remove some of it from your air. Filters that are overfull may harm the equipment and circulate the dust and debris back into the air. So, cleaning or replacing all of your filters is a wise idea. Start with your air conditioner, furnace, and humidifier.
If you use a forced-air system, it may also be a good idea to get your ducts clean. Your air ducts can collect dust and debris over time, and then your furnace or air conditioner can blow it back into the house.
Outdoor Air Coming in
Outdoor dust and debris may blow into your home and contribute to your dust problem. To limit this, install better weatherproofing on your doors, refresh the caulking on your windows, and look for other vulnerabilities that may be letting outdoor air in.
What Else Can You Do About Dust?
One of the single best things you can do to eliminate dust in your home is to use a whole-home air purifier. These sensitive filters can collect dust and dust mites, trapping them permanently. Unlike your other HVAC equipment, they are designed to cycle as much air as possible, so they remove more things from your air. You’ll also find that your general air quality improves dramatically if you start using a dedicated purifier.